Be Careful How You Talk To Yourself Because You Are Listening

Self talk is so real and can either be limiting us from making progress or propelling us forward. Our inner dialogue encompasses all the things we say to and about ourselves. This narrative has a significant impact on the way we perceive ourselves, the ones around us and the world in general.

We have two voices; fear and faith.

Fear is feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, hesitation, inaction, concern
Faith is feelings of calm, content, enthusiasm, excitement

The one we feed is the one that over powers.

Our instinct and conditioning feeds the fear. Because our brains naturally want to run from fear/danger, it will inherently feed the anxiety and uncertainty. As humans, we are hard wired to remember negative experiences and focus on the negative things we dislike about ourselves. Earlier experiences and learned thinking patterns come into play here too. We ALL have to work hard at this, you are not alone in feeling this way!

We have to consciously work at choosing the one we feed. Choose to feed the FAITH.

Positive self talk is not lying or denying the reality around us or our behaviors. Instead, we are reframing how we perceive things and manage our negative bias better. We practice showing ourselves more self compassion and understanding around what we are going through.

We remind ourselves that we always have more to learn and are continuing to work on developing our abilities.

Positive self talk can act as a buffer between challenging life events and our emotional state in general.We are often our own worst critic and say such harsh things to ourselves that we would never say to a loved one or even someone we aren’t very fond of.

You deserve the same level of empathy and care that you are willing to put so much effort in for others.

We can practice this by replacing the negative comments with more compassionate and understanding statements.

You are Not a bad person because you over ate.

You are not incapable just because you made a mistake.

When we label ourselves, we only see ourselves through that lense that comes with a sense of permanency.

Start just by being more curious.

What did this situation happen?
Did you have the resources you needed to be successful?
Are you running on empty and not getting enough sleep?
Did you skip meals or not eat enough during the day?

When you start reflecting on why this event may have happened we can reframe the situation and move forward faster.

If you are struggling with self motivation, really think about what you are saying to yourself. If you are telling yourself how lazy or gross you are, of course you aren’t motivated to plan your meals or be more active.

Use a calm clear way of speaking and reassuring yourself that is constructive, motivating and encouraging.

Just like you do for your family and co workers <3

How to Reframe the Negative self Talk

I give up —>

I’ll use some of the strategies we’ve learned to try again.

This is too hard –>

This may take some time and effort, but I know it will ultimately make my life better.

I can’t do this any better –>

I can always improve, so I’ll keep trying.

I messed up –>

Mistakes are how I learn, I know what I can do differently next time.

She’s so ____ I’ll never be able to do that. –>

I am going to learn from her and make this more of a priority for me.

I can’t cook. –>

I am going to try one new food or recipe this week and keep it simple. I know this will make me feel more confident. It’s ok if I mess up, it’s still less expensive than Door Dash!

I am just a negative person. –>

This is something I have struggled with for years, I am going to work harder at reframing negative thoughts when they come.

Plan A didn’t work —>

Good thing the alphabet has 25 more letters!!


Are you BELIEVING in the woman you need to become?
Are you focusing on the process?
Are you planning the steps?