Showing Up in the New Year

Happy last week of December 2021!

I hope you had a blessed Holiday. Chris and I have been using some of this “down time” to put the sweat hours in on our home renovation. Currently we are running all new electrical, taking down wallpaper (and glue!) from the bedrooms, reinsulating throughout and putting up new drywall.

Christmas day we were blessed to have a wonderful dinner at Chris’s parent’s house, with my parents there as well. We felt so fortunate to have both of our parents and family together around the table. Chris’s grandmother (we call her Meema), is 96 years old and currently on Hospice. She has no significant comorbidities, just “ready for the lord to take her and be with your husband,” in her own words. She adores our dog Cava, who we brought to see her. It was a Christmas miracle to have her get dressed and join us at the table for dinner!

This week is a Huge opportunity to take some time and really get clear on what success LOOKS like for you in 2022. The word success looks different depending on the person that hears it, it’s all open for interpretation.

You have to decide what this means to YOU.

You are only able to grow as much as your mindset allows. We all have a “mental ceiling.” Or a belief around how much we can grow or expand. In order to continue to grow, you have to continue to develop your mental ceiling and take the actions to be that next level you.

What would your life be like one year from now if you aimed SO high and stopped settling? Not only imagine this, but what does it FEEL like to actually live life that way?

THINK and FEEL how amazing this success feels.

The key to success is ALLOWING yourself to feel this. Our brain doesn’t know the difference between perception and reality.

Often times we set goals, but we don’t take the time to FEEL what it feels like to be There.

When we can Feel it, we can picture it and BELIEVE that it can happen.
Make your “make believe” your reality be talking like you are already doing those things.

Writing Challenge

This is a great activity to do on New Year’s eve when the energy is high!
It can be whenever you have the space and time and really reflect on this.

Rather than writing Goals for 2022, write out

“Showing Up in 2022”

1. Write down the things you WILL do (vs want or should do)

Read at night
Live life in a body I respect
Create more joy and abundance in my life
Be confident in my choices and value my time
Respect my body by taking actions to support my health
Develop an evening and morning routine

2. Who is the Person I need to BECOME?

What are the actions that person is taking each day?

3. What are the THREE things I want to embody?


  • I value self development and my health above Everything Else

  • I will take relentless action

  • I will show up and follow through

You have to BECOME the person that values themselves, that weighs x# less, that has energy to feel her best.

Visualize the process, visualize the person you are becoming. (not the end result)

You start to LIVE and SHOW UP differently because you are putting your brain in the Process to get to the Outcome.

Backward Design Your Goals
Take your big end of year goals and think backwards.
This month’s goal

This week’s goal

This day


WRITE them down
Share Them! Post in Better or send to me.
You need accountability
Set time aside to reach them, schedule it into your day

Get crystal clear on your vision
Focus on the process
Have a plan (how I help my nutrition clients).

This is a powerful exercise. While everyone else is chasing the clock and getting drunk, YOU are designing your life and getting Ahead of the game.

Would love to hear how you are showing up this year!