Self Confidence

“Confidence in my own skin”

The most desired trait. Why do so many people desire confidence, but few can really say they feel this way? The thing is, self confidence is Already innate to You.
You own this now, and always have.

I remember little Jennie would try ANYTHING. She would get up on stage in front of total strangers with dance performances, theater and even SING in the plays (which was certainly not a natural talent, but she did it anyway 😉 Over the years as you grow up, you hear statements, comments and watch other people doing things a certain way. Each experience you have, conversations you engage in, diets you try, plants a seed.

Feelings of doubt, hesitation, and questioning come up. You drift further from that innate confidence and start to do things that you think you should or what others are doing. You follow the rules, you don’t mess up, because then you are punished or feel like a total failure. You try the diets, you start to believe certain foods are good or bad, you eliminate food groups. You take care of everyone else’s needs, you chase a smaller body, you get the degrees.

And you are left more lost, unhappy and disconnected from your authentic self. Extreme and unnecessary restrictive diets are only giving you more rules to follow and leading you farther away from your natural super powers. One of the first areas I am helping my nutrition clients with is reconnecting with themselves. Their own bodies cues, their innate ability to CHOOSE what they value and how this looks in their life.

Understanding where they are at now, and what realistic steps forward look like that they are actually able to apply in their schedule and circumstances.

Relearning how to build meals that keep blood sugar and energy stable so they feel satisfied.

Understanding what their individual nutrition needs are, why, and how we get there through small steps forward.

Connecting and listening to the cues their bodies are giving them, and how to respond accordingly.

Getting to the root cause of the problem, rather than just putting a bandaid on it and hoping it goes away.

Being more compassionate with themselves and present in their lives.

Prioritizing their needs in the mix of their busy schedules because they deeply respect themselves.

FEELING what it feels like to feel good! And as a result continuing to advocate for their needs and therefore show up more fully in every other aspect of their lives.

Confidence comes from a deep self trust in Your body, what you need AND taking the appropriate steps, without question to address what you need to adjust, release or draw closer to.

It is one of the most beautiful gifts you can reconnect with that is already yours to own. Watching women come back home to their bodies and witness this deep self trust is the most amazing process to hold as a leader and coach.

The invitation is here. Head to my application and apply for high level 1:1 nutrition coaching together.

With gratitude for the wholeness of you,
