“Take a Chance on Yourself” – Client Spotlight

Interview with my nutrition client, Stephanie


She encourages you to, “take a chance on yourself!”


It is my honor to witness the transformations that happens with the women I work with beyond the scale. My hope is that their stories and experiences inspire and give you hope of living what is possible!


What were your biggest nutrition struggles in the beginning of us working together?

I didn’t know where to start – I felt like I was a picky eater. I didn’t know if I could sustain a healthy lifestyle when mixed with a career that doesn’t always support that.


What were your biggest frustrations about your nutrition history?

Diets literally left me starving, and my weight has been a roller coaster in recent years. I didn’t have a model as a child or young adult of a healthy lifestyle. I would make strides on my own when I started working out consistently, but the nutrition piece was lacking.

What was your experience and first breakthrough working together?

It was eye opening for me how much I didn’t have to change to start seeing progress. I never cut out any foods. I still was able to have a drink when I wanted to. I didn’t have to be miserable to lose weight and seeing changes, but I DID have to be patient (not my strong suit). I have seen how the slow and steady progress has been more sustainable in the long run.


How is your nutrition, health and mindset now?

There’s always going to be room for improvement – especially while in my career field. But overall, I feel like I make healthier choices way more often than I did six months ago. I’m seeing my confidence return and starting to feel better in my own skin again. I can still be tough on myself, but it’s been helpful for you to remind me that I do have a lot I am juggling and it’s not just an excuse or complaint. These are my real circumstances and that I am still doing it, has been reassuring and a boost more than once.

What overall positive changes in your health and well being have you noticed since starting the program?

Energy level is more consistent, definitely seeing a more consistent menstrual cycle, more regular sleep schedule and knowing how much sleep I really need to feel rested. Decreased weight, continued increase in strength, eating at home way more often!

How would you describe me as a nutrition coach? What areas could I have been more helpful with?

Very supportive and encouraging. I spend a lot of time coaching / leading others but often realize I don’t have people supporting me. Having consistent check ins and plan what was ahead was very helpful. You were far kinder than I am to myself and that was a balance I needed!

Huge thanks to you, it’s been so great getting to know you but also feel supported in the process of figuring it out how to take care of myself better. I am so glad I reached out for help. I imagine if I didn’t I would feel as poor as I did six months ago. And I am SO grateful I don’t feel that way anymore!


Thank you, Stephanie for sharing what is possible for us all, AND future generations!


Check out our full Interview Here!


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