08 Jun What’s Your Why?
It is unquestionable that eating the right balance of nutrients is key to prevent chronic diseases, manage your weight and have more energy. I love to help people incorporate more vegetables and fiber in their diet.
I also realize that there are so many other factors in your life that contribute to overall health, wellness and feeling your best.
If you are getting four hours of sleep per night, you are going to crave foods your body can easily and quickly convert to energy → sugar, caffeine
If you are not drinking enough water/dehydrated, your digestion is affected. You may have constipation, lack of energy, irritability, dizziness.
If you surround yourself with relationships that are negative and all about the other person, it’s REALLY hard to be positive and take care of yourself.
If your job sucks every ounce of energy out of you, how can you expect to come home and be patient and kind to your loved ones and have energy to exercise?
If you despise the form of movement or workouts you are doing, you are likely not going to stick to them and give up any healthy movement all together.
Let’s prioritize what is important to you, in your life. Which is different for everyone.
Is it going out on a date night once a week with your significant other?
Is it having energy to play with your grandkids?
Is it keeping your independence?
Is it losing the weight so you have less joint pain and may not need the surgery?
Once we can identify this, you are able to build your life around this vision rather than everything else getting in the way. “I’ll do it later.” Which really means, it’s not important enough to me to make this a priority in my life right now.
It’s uncomfortable to do hard things. It’s scary to give up what’s comfortable. It absolutely feels overwhelming.
That’s where the growth and success comes. “Start with A,” as my husband frequently and calmly reminds me. If you are comfortable you aren’t growing, you aren’t developing.
Once we can start to identify your WHY, then we can add more vegetables, fiber and water, more easily into your diet 😉 And, you’ll continue to eat healthy because you have created habits that are in line with your values.
Does this resonate with you? Let me know what’s limiting you from reaching your health and nutrition goals?
What’s your Why?