What You Focus on Expands

Life is about the actions you do or do not do each day. Your actions are based on your beliefs.

Your Beliefs + Your Habits = Your Life

What positive empowering beliefs move you forward? 

What negative limiting beliefs stop you before you even get out of bed in the morning?

Your beliefs determine your feelings and from there you make decisions.

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, nourish your body and prioritize your needs, but you think and believe it’s going to be really difficult and overwhelming. Your thoughts will win and you will feel defeated before you even try. 

We are human beings with feelings and emotions. We are always going to have the feelings, but notice what behaviors triggered your empowering or limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs —> Empowering beliefs

You have a choice, each day.

You get to choose your Beliefs. They are not a fact. Stories can be imaginary or real.

You have the Power to Change Your Story!! How cool is that.

We ALL have days where negative thoughts are over powering and consuming.

Some things that have help me overcome these overwhelming feels…

Think of someone in your life that is really positive. For me that is my husband. I either talk to him about how I’m feeling and communicating how you are feeling can be effective. Even if that person is not solving your problem. He will oftentimes also point out things I wasn’t allowing myself to see because of the rain storm of negative emotions.

Or if I am not able to talk with him, I would think to myself, What would Chris think about this?”

Usually, it’s Not what I’m thinking!

If you can’t think of someone in your life like this, we need to work on editing your circle 🙂 

I also read personal development books that make me feel good and bring me back to what I can do for myself. I’ll go on walks either in silence or listening to a podcast that is inspiring. 

I am very intentional about the people I surround myself with. If your circle is negative, this energy is infectious.

What you Focus on Expands

“We do not attract what we want, we attract what we ARE. Wishes are gratified when they harmonize with our thoughts & actions.” 

James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

You can pick your beliefs. You can change your story. You can edit your circle.

You have the Opportunity to start Over every day, every hour, every minute. 

You have One Life to Live, Imagine it is the one you LOVE.

Walk into this week with clarity and direction. 

Prioritize your goals and ask for help when you need it.

Reach out if I can do anything for you!