01 Oct Why Nutrition Coaching isn’t 1 hour or 30 days
To be honest when I work with clients nutrition is ~20% of what we are focusing on.
There is not a lack of nutrition education or knowledge available.
Knowledge is not powerful until it is applied.
In the first 60-90 days we are building the foundation.
First you have to truly believe that you have the ability to make radical changes in your life. Because you do!
If your stress is a 10/10 this is a huge area we need to manage first.
If your not sleeping well you are going to feel awful and lack motivation to reach your powerful goals.
If you don’t have an environmental support system in place, this is an area we need to prioritize.
If you don’t respect yourself enough to prioritize your health, why is that?
This first few months is a calibration period. We evaluate and adjust. Everybody is different in the support and goals they have. And that is why individual nutrition coaching is so powerful and creates lasting results.
The only way you fail is if you quit completely. If you are ready to put in the work and have patience through the process to achieve your valuable goals, I’d love to talk to you more about my nutrition coaching program.
Send me a message!
Be Well, Jennie