Design Your Day with Direction

When you are driving in your car you don’t look out the side mirror to all the things you could crash into

You look at the Open road ahead

You have forward direction with a clear path

If there is an obstacle in your way

You Pivot

We all are seeking certainty in a very uncertain situation

When you have direction you are not guessing

Design Your Day with Direction

1. Create a NEW schedule

When we have structure we wake up with a sense of ownership & purpose.

Think about ways that have worked well with you previously to keep your organized?

Just like you planned your work trips, kids activities, commute times. Create a new schedule.

Write it on a white board/chalk board or Calendar that is visible each day.

2. What makes you Happy?

Start & End your day with Joy

What is your ideal Morning? 

Having a strong morning routine is powerful into projecting you into action for the rest of your day.

This has to be something that resonates with you & can look different for everyone depending your situation.

For me that means waking up early when the world is still quiet

Brush my teeth & wash my face

Have a quiet breakfast while looking outside

Read a page in my devotion

Write in my journal

Go out for a walk

I know when I do those things I am started on the right foot!

3. Determine Your most productive Time

This too looks different for everyone, but I find it helpful to do your most critical and challenging tasks FIRST.

You have more clarity in the morning and you will feel better checking this off of your list.

4. Switch on the creative side of your brain every day

This helps boost your mood & energy

Writing, painting, sketching, baking, new recipes, photography, calligraphy, knitting, doing home DIYs, gardening, anything else you love to do.