Is Weight Loss Only About Energy In vs Energy Out?

I just have to eat less and move more?

Is weight loss that simple?

Now more than ever we are hyper focused on specific nutrients, foods and repeated dieting. Yet processed food consumption has increased and Americans are more overweight than ever with the health risks that follow.

Yes calories play a role, but doesn’t paint the whole picture.

“Blaming weight gain on calories is like blaming wars on guns.”

Good way to think about it…

In addition to calories and activity, we can’t neglect the importance of

  • Being aware of hunger/satiety cues

  • Choosing nutrient dense foods most of the time

  • Our environment

  • Our lifestyle

From a scientific standpoint, our weight is determined by the energy we consume through food and drinks and the energy we use for our daily energy requirements.

Weight loss will occur if we consume less than we expend, or vise versa, ASSUMING

  • Your hormones are balanced

  • You are getting adequate sleep and rest

  • Your stress is managed

  • You’re hydrated

  • You’re properly digestions & absorbing your food

Remember our bodies are built for survival. If you’re in a significant calorie deficit for an extended period of time, which the body signals as a stressor,

And you are stressing your body with inadequate sleep (stressor) 

Dehydration (stressor)

Out of control stressful lifestyle

Negative environment

Your body is not in a position where it feels “safe” to release excess energy.

This is why in the nutrition coaching with Jennie inner circle, we prioritize building a strong found FIRST.

Prioritizing your (basic human needs) above your 1,000 other responsibilities. 

I KNOW it’s hard to start thinking this way and it’s NOT your fault. We’ve been taught to put ourselves last. 

It’s time to start teaching ourselves, and our kids that it’s OK to prioritize our health first.

It’s OK to take time during the day to stop and eat. 

It’s OK to ask for help or child care so you can take 30 minutes to do something to fill your cup or go out for a walk.

The biggest transformation I SEE with the amazing rockstars I work with is when they start putting their needs first.

Planning balanced meals for themselves

Getting more rest and sleep 

Advocating for their needs

Saying no more so they can say yes to themselves

They ALSO show up 10 fold at their job, have more patience with their kids, are more productive and focused and have more mental space to enjoy the moments!! 

Rather than spiraling with guilt and shame over what they did or did not eat.

It is possible to create strong healthy habits you feel good about.
THAT is how you will maintain all of your hard work toward your health goals!