26 Aug 7 Ways to Crush Your Goals this Labor Day Weekend
Holiday weekends don’t have to derail all of the progress you have made in your health journey. And if you are doing it right, it doesn’t! Here are some tips to stay on track and still have room for the food, drinks and memories you enjoy.
1. Focus on What You Can Do
Oftentimes, it feels like there is so much going on throughout the weekend, what’s the point in even trying? But this is the exact wrong mindset, and why you are constantly in the stop, start lane. If you really look at the weekend and week as a whole, there are so many aspects of your day you do have control over and can make supportive choices.
Have at least one meal per day a typical balanced meal you enjoy that is similar to your usual routine.
Focus on drinking enough water throughout the day.
Limit cocktails to an amount that you know supports you.
Book end your day with morning and evening habits that support you.
Get enough rest and sleep.
Communicate with your family and friends what you would like to dedicate time for
Remember this is just a few days of your life. Be present in the moments, and take care of yourself in the mix out of respect for your body and health. When you feel your best you can show up and live your life more fully! Isn’t that really what it’s about?
2. Have a Plan
You can’t expect to be successful with your weight loss goals if you let life decide how your day goes. It’s not about eating perfectly all the time, but make sure there are options where ever you end up that leave you feeling good. Do some food shopping before and decide on at least one to two recipes or meal options you are going to make for the weekend. Bring a side or healthier option to your Holiday party. Other people appreciate these options too! Decide ahead of time how your day is going to go, what you value within the mix and what you can continue to do to move forward towards your goals.
3. Make breakfast a non negotiable
Wherever you end up this weekend make sure you have a smart breakfast with you that will set you up for success. Include high fiber carbs + protein + healthy fat. This combo may look different than what you would choose at home and that’s ok! If you can, make this meal similar to your routine and have something that you know is going to leave you feeling satisfied and make better choices throughout the day. When you have this frame work for meals, you can fill in the food options that are available and make it work.
How you start and end your day is so impactful!
4. Have a water bottle with you at all times
It can be helpful to have a smaller bottle, about 20 oz so it is easy to cary and can fit in the car cup holder. Aim to drink and fill it three to four times during the day. If you are in the car for a while or staying at a hotel, buying water and keeping in the car can be helpful to have access to water. If you are choosing to cheers, have an additional eight ounces of water for each cocktail you enjoy. This will make SUCH a difference in how you feel later. Mix in seltzers or other unsweetened beverages to help with hydration.
5. Incorporate some movement into your day
Explore the area you are in and get in some walking or running. Bring your sneakers with you where ever you are so you have the option to walk whenever you have some down time. Check out a new yoga or fitness studio if you are traveling, get out of your comfort zone! Walk to your destination if it is reasonable instead of driving. Park farther away, take the stairs, walk around the airport, wake up and walk to watch the sunrise. There are often more opportunities to move while traveling because you aren’t tied to your computer at home. Take advantage of this!
6. Include your family/friends in your health goals
Have family and friends cook, bake or grocery shop with you. Talk with who are having meals with ahead of time to decide who can bring what. Challenge them to join your hydration goals. Instead of sitting and talking, go out for a walk and catch up (my favorite!). Communicate what would supports you in feeling your best, respectfully. You don’t need to have a reason, and regardless of what your goals are, incorporating time for yourself in the mix of company and Holidays is so helpful mentally. It’s ok to need a break and have your own time while traveling with others.
7. Choose What You Value
When you are at parties and get togethers, or out to eat, there are usually lots of decadent options. But just because these foods and drinks are available doesn’t mean you have to have them all. This is not the last time you can or will have the opportunity to enjoy a piece of cake, dessert or your favorite pasta salad. When you release the morality of foods, they lose their sense of power and you don’t feel the need to over do it because it’s the last time you are able to “live it up,” before eliminating these things on Monday, tomorrow, next week, etc! This mindset is setting you up for the screw it spiral.
Choose a couple of the things you really love and enjoy, and balance it out with some protein or veggies, to create a more satisfying option. This will also help with keeping portions in check. Plate your food, sit down and ENJOY the meal, the company and the experience as a whole!
Tell me one thing you are going to do this Holiday to win the weekend!
I hope you have such a great weekend, whatever your plans are!
Be Well,