5 Gifts to Give to Yourself this Holiday Season

 Thank You, for ALL that you have done and continue to do, to create a special week and day for those around you.

I know how much you are giving and pouring of yourself.

I see you and want you to know,

You are Powerful, Resilient and Unbelievable Worthy of listening to what your body needs and taking time to do what you need for yourself. Now (& always).


5 Gifts to Give Yourself


1. Share Responsibilities 


I know you are superwoman, but if you continue to grind without taking the time to nourish and take care of yourself – this is when burnout (and resentment) happens. Don’t let this be January for you.

Involve your family and coworkers. Include your kids in cooking, baking, decorating, and cleaning up.
Depending their age, this can look different ways. But they will feel so much more involved and part of the Team!

Ask for help.


Schedule time that your spouse or family can take your kids while you do a yoga class, go for a walk or close your door and read in bed. Whatever sounds delightful to you.

Ask your friends to bring a healthy side to your dinner party so everything isn’t on you.

I realize this can be hard to do, but so necessary in releasing pressure from yourself and allowing you to show up even better for your family and relationships 🙂 Which is what they will actually remember! YOUR PRESENCE


2. Avoid Saving Calories


“saving calories” for a planned meal, is never a good idea. When you skip breakfast or eat significantly less during the day in an effort to “save calories” for a planned meal out or party, you are very likely to walk into this meal ravenous! At that point, it is much easier to over eat and then feel uncomfortable after. Which then usually leads to the guilt and shame cycle.


Instead, Have a balanced breakfast and lunch.

That way you are walking into the meal with stable blood sugar and you are able to choose the foods you really want and eat an amount leaving you feeling your best! Remember this is not your last super or party. You can have these foods again 🙂


3. ADD to your Plate


Rather than focusing what you “shouldn’t” be eating,

Focus on the feel good foods you can add to your plate. 
Fill half your plate with veggies and nutrient dense COLOR
1/4 plate with protein
1/4 plate with carbs

Some days the carbs will be high fiber and nutrient dense, some days they will be rich and delicious. 
It’s important you include the foods you enjoy in a way that still supports you to Feel your best!


4. Avoid Compensatory Behaviors


When you have a bigger meal or more treats than planned – and immediately feel like you need to skip breakfast the next day or punish yourself by spending hours working out, to “burn it off.” This only further propels the binge/restrict cycle. 

The best thing you can do after this happens is to take a deep breath, give yourself grace and jump back into your routine and the habits that help you feel your best. Have breakfast with protein in the morning, drink lots of water and move in a way that feels good. Keep it simple, and view these behaviors as respecting yourself. 


5. Give Yourself Space & Time


The Holidays can be loud and overwhelming. Whether it’s the constant diet talk in your head or the conversations that are exhausting. Give yourself space. This can look different ways. Go into a different room at a Holiday party and take a few deep breaths. After the event make sure you take an opportunity for yourself. Go into your bedroom, close the door and take time for yourself. Go out for a walk or drive. Whatever way you can work this in!



These are many of the habits I am working on with my nutrition coaching clients because they are so important in longe term habit changes.

When you take the time to fill your bucket more often, you are better able to give, pour and serve to others! Your family and relationships will remember YOU being present and available over the food and presents during the Holiday. Take care of you <3