Developing Self Respect and Honoring Hunger

It is amazing the deeper transformations that happen when you are ready to dig deep. I am honored to share Michelle’s story with you and the powerful changes she has made over the past year through our work together. She came to me struggling with digestive issues and completely lost with what to eat. To now having a whole different perspective to taking care of her self through adequate nutrition and more joy in her life. Her self confidence has sky rocketed and she feels so good about the example she is modeling for her young daughter. This is what it’s about!

Check out our full interview here and her story below.

“I was so tired of not feeling well after I ate
It was impacting my quality of life, basic functioning
I didn’t know what to eat, everything seemed to be irritating my stomach
The nauseous feeling was horrible
I didn’t want to eat

The blood tests were negative
I knew I wasn’t giving my body what it needed, but I didn’t know where to start, how to figure it out

I needed someone to look at what I was doing, help me see the positive things I was doing and the gaps I could improve, and how to fill them in.

As we dove deeper to uncover that emotional piece as well, I wasn’t expecting that. I feel like that was the final release for me to really make changs and be more mindful of not only what I was consuming but how I was reacting to that.
And now having that awareness, when that feeling hits of the guilt, I can catch it and I can work through it. Lately I am seeing that I am not really feeling guilty, I just ate a little too much.

Distinguishing between feeling guilty vs full I feel an immediate difference to how I respond to that and then it’s easier to move forward. 

Through this process I am developing respect for my body, and that’s huge.

I realize because I am feeling better, I am not as concerned about how thin I am or how I look.

I have a more mature approach to respecting myself and taking care of myself.
Having a young daughter makes this work that much more important, I want her to be healthy, appreciate and respect her body. Now I can help her build that. There is that added urgency and importance to this work.

I have been through a lot of life changes this year, and having you there supporting me with my nutrition helped that area of my life remain constant.

Once you understand why and get to the heart of the issue, it’s easier to work through it. Because then you can apply the strategies that match the root cause.

Having the support when life events come up that affect eating and working through that together is huge.

Looking back at this work, this really is my self care. It’s become something I’ve practiced on my own, so that I feel better and can be more present for my daughter. It’s taken on so much more.

I don’t feel the guilt as much anymore and that makes it so much easier to move on, move forward and make better choices. “

Thank you Michelle, for showing us what is possible!